

Mother Teresa Poem - Do It Anyway

Thursday, December 25, 2014

People Are Often Unreasonable,
Illogical And Self-centered;
Forgive Them Anyway.

If You Are Kind,
People May Accuse You Of Selfish Ulterior Motives;
Be Kind Anyway.

If You Are Successful,
You Will Win Some False Friends And True Enemies;
Succeed Anyway.

If You Are Honest And Frank,
People May Cheat You;
Be Honest Anyway.

What You Spend Years Building,
Someone Could Destroy Overnight;
Build Anyway.

If You Find Serenity And Happiness,
They May Be Jealous;
Be Happy Anyway.

The Good You Do Today,
People Will Often Forget Tomorrow;
Do Good Anyway.

Give The World The Best You Have,
And It May Never Be Enough;
Give The World The Best You’ve Got Anyway.

You See, In The Final Analysis,
It Is Between You And God;
It Was Never Between You And Them Anyway.

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